We offer an ten-week summer program Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. starting June 2nd, 2025. We have 8 unique program areas including Learning Centers, Games Rooms, Teen Room, STEM Labs, & A Full Size Gymnasium. We offer nationally recognized BGC Clubs Programs with something available for all ages. Field trips are planned throughout the summer, but are not included in the program cost. We try to keep trip cost as low as possible.
Club kids who attend in the Summer must have COMPLETED 1st grade in order to attend.
Program fees for 1st grade through 6th grade are $600 regurlar rate or $400 reduced rate*. Children entering 8th grade and older pay $3 a day. Half of program cost is due at sign-up and the balance is due by April 14th, 2025. Club will be closed for holiday's Juneteenth and Independence Day.
Sign up begins April 14th at 10:30am. We do not expect to fill up on the first day. In order to sign up, parents will need to fill out a summer member form and sign a parent/member handbook.
Please check back in April for the form & handbook.